The police have announced a reward of Rs. one lakh for those providing information on the whereabouts of known offenders Om Prakash and ‘Kannammoola’ Rajesh alias ‘Puthenpalam’ Rajesh.A press note issued here said their photos and addresses have been posted in the web site
Rs. 1 lakh @ Om Prakash and 'Kannammoola' Rajesh alias 'Puthenpalam' Rajesh
Man wanted by IB off-loaded from flight
A 28-year-old youth from Wayanad, Kabeer Sayed, who is a suspected activist of the terror outfit Indian Mujahideen, was off-loaded from a Kuwait Airways flight minutes before take-off to Kuwait from the airport here on Sunday as it was found at the last minute that the Intelligence Bureau (IB) had issued a lookout notice against him three months ago.
The allegations against Union Minister E Ahmed
The allegations against Union Minister E Ahmed over the Haj quota allocations during his stint at the External Affairs Ministry, can never be trivialised as a matter merely related to the trickery of some private tour operators, former MP T K Hamsa has said.
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